The Language of Karate-Do

Karate, originating from the Ryukyu Kingdom (now Okinawa, Japan), has a deep-rooted connection to Japanese culture. This connection is reflected in the language used to teach and practice the martial art. By learning karate in Japanese, students not only acquire the physical skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for the art's rich cultural heritage.

Important Terms

Enbusen Performance Line of kata
Kyu Rank or student grade
Dan Step, rank and instructor grade.
Rei Bow
Sensei Ni Rei Salutation to the instructor
Shoman Ni Rei Salutation to each other
Budo "The Martial Arts"
Karate-do The art of karate
Karateka Person who practices karate-do
Dojo Place of the way, Training Room
Kiai, Ki-ai, The Kiai Spirit together, combined
Oss The word of words.
Zanshin Remaining spirit

In the Dojo

Sensei Teacher, Instructor
Renshi Long Standing, polished instructor
Shihan Master, instructor of higher rank.
Sempai One's Senior
Gi or Dogi outfit, Karate suit
Mokuso Meditation

Punches - Tzuki Waza

Age-zuki Rising punch
Choku-zuki Straight punch
Gyaku-zuki Reverse punch
Jun-zuki Follow punch
Kagi-zuki Hook Punch
Kizami-zuki Jab punch, lunge jab
Morote-zuki Double fisted punch
Mawashi-zuki Roundhouse punch
Oi-zuki Pursuing punch, lunge punch
Tate-zuki Vertical punch, Thumb upwards
Ura-zuki Uppercut
Yumi-zuki Bow punch
Yama-zuki Mountain punch

Blocks - Uke waza

Age-uke Rising block
Haiwan-uke Block with back of forearm
Gedan-barai Low block
Haito-uke Sword ridge block thumb side
Haishu-uke Back hand block
Morote-uke Double arm block reinforced
Hiji-barai Elbow sweeping block
Jiju-uke Cross block
Kakiwake-uke Push aside block
Kakuto Crane head block
Otoshi Dropping block
Shuto-uke Sword hand block
Soto-ude-uke Outside inside block
Uchi-ude-uke Inside outside block
Yama-uke Mountain Block

Kicking Techniques - Keri/Geri waza

Ashi-barai Foot sweep
Fumikomi Stamping kick
Hiza-geri Knee kick
Mae-geri Front kick
Mawashi-geri Roundhouse kick
Ren-geri Alternate kicking
Mae-tobi-geri Jumping front kick
Ushiro-geri Back kick
Ura-mawashi-geri Reverse side roundhouse kick
Ushiro-mawashi-geri Backwards roundhouse kick (full body twist)
Yoko-geri-kekomi Side thrust kick
Yoko-geri-keage Side snap kick

Tournament Terms

Aka Red
Shiro White
Shobu-ippon Victory to one point
Yoi Attention, prepare!
Hajime Start/begin
Yame Stop
Tsuzukete Continue, fight on
Shugo Meeting, Judge call
Waza-ari Half point
Ippon Full point
Chui Warning
Ai-uchi Simultaneous techniques
Hanzoku-chui Warning for violation of rules
Skik-ka-ku Disqualification
Jogai Out of fighting area
Jogai chui Warning for out of area
Toremasen Unacceptable to score
Hantei Decision, judgment
No kachi Victory/Winner
Hikiwake Draw
Enchosen Extension of fight

Techniques - Waza

Ken Fist
Ippon-ken 1st knuckle strike
Nakadaka ippon ken 2nd knuckle strike
Uraken Back fist
Tettsui Iron hammer
Shuto Sword hand
Haito Sword ridge hand, thumb side
Kakuto Crane head
Nukite Spear hand
Nihon nukite Two finger spear hand
Teisho uchi Palm heel strike
Koko Tiger mouth

Smashing Techniques - Ate waza

Mawashi empi Roundhouse elbow
Yoko empi Sideways elbow
Ushiro empi Backwards elbow
Otoshi empi Downward elbow
Tate empi - Age empi Vertical elbow (Rising elbow)


Ichi One
Ni Two
San Three
Shi Four
Go Five
Roku Six
Shichi Seven
Hachi Eight
Kyu Nine
Ju Ten
Ni-ju Twenty
San-ju Thirty
Hyaku One-Hundred


Fudo dachi Immovable stance
Kokutsu dachi Back stance
Zenkutsu dachi Front stance
Kiba dachi Horse riding stance
Musubi dachi United stance
Sanchin dachi Hourglass stance
Sochin dachi Calm stance
Neko-ashi dachi Cat foot stance

Miscellaneous Terms

Kihon Basic Training
Kata Set form
Bunkai Application of Kata
Gohon Kumite 5 Step sparring
Sanbon Kumite 3 Step sparring
Kihon Ippon Kumite 1 Step sparring, basic
Jiju ippon kumite Freestyle sparring 1 step
Yoi Attention / Ready
Yame Stop
Hajiame Start
Mawatte Turn